Polish: An Essential Grammar,

Main Article Content

Karl Bernhardt


Polish: An Essential Grammar, 2nd edition (Routledge Essential Grammars) by Dana Bielec, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2012. pp. 432 (ISBN 978-0-415-59559-9).

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Book Reviews
Author Biography

Karl Bernhardt

DR GRAEME DAVIS is lecturer in English and Applied Linguistics at the Open University. Previously Head of English as a Foreign Language and Head of Modern Languages at Northumbria University, his research is in dialectology, lexicography and both historical and applied linguistics with a focus on the Germanic North Atlantic region. He co-edits the monograph series Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics and Studies in Historical Linguistics, both published by Peter Lang, Oxford, and is an editor for the journals Literary and Cultural Studies (University of Zagreb) and Glossa (Universidad del Turabo), as well as a reviewer for The Linguist List.